Scale&Corrosion inhibition system

Scale&Corrosion inhibition system

The system consists of two parts: a signal generator and a processor.

Principle of scale inhibition:
When the Greentruss Scales and Corrosion Inhibition System is Operated in the cooling water system, the Greentruss sub-wave is transmitted to Greentruss Energy Enhancer from the Generator. As the cooling water flows through the Energy Enahncer, the hydrogen atom of the water molecules will be enhanced.

This allows the dissolved ions in the water ( CO32,Ca2+ , Mg2+ )to remain in solution even as the temperature of the water increase, preventing the formation of  CaCO3 and MgCO3 as hard scale.

In permissible situation when the energy by the sub-radio wave reaches a certain extent, the hard scale can undergo crystallization into soft scale (commonly know as aragonite).This soft scales can be washed by the flow of the cooling water, with minimal traces of scale seen in the condenser tubes of the heat exchanger.

Principle of corrosion inhibition:
When the Greentruss sub-radio wave generator transmits the energy to the energy enhancer, the energy will be increased in the cooling water system. The oxygen atoms in the water molecule obtains a certain energy level and this promotes the formation of “black rust”, commonly know as magnetite ( Fe3O4), or the red cuprous oxide layer ( Cu2O )in the cooling system.Fe3O4 and Cu2O adhere strongly to the metallic surfaces, the protecting the cooling system from further corrosion .